Clogging Association of Wisconsin
Clogging Association of Wisconsin
CAW Officers
President Jan Adams
Vice President Cindy Frost
Treasurer Meghann Kasper
Secretary Penny Dillon
Editor Lynn Szatkowski
Jamboree - October 7-8, 2022
Oshkosh Masonic Center
Featuring - Andy Howard (GA)
with State Instructor Sarah Zajicek (Cripple Creek Cloggers)
The benefits of membership include quarterly newsletters, connections with other cloggers in Wisconsin and discounts to the annual Jamboree.
Join now!
Don’t miss the fun and connections of CAW.
The Clogging Association of Wisconsin is a non-profit organization formed in 1984 to bring together the cloggers of Wisconsin and promote Appalachian Clogging - keeping this part of American heritage alive.
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WI Clogging Groups
Click’n & Grin’n Cloggers
Cloggin’ Roadrunners
Rainbow Cloggers
Riverfront Cloggers
Wisconsin Cloggers, send us the link to your group so we can post it here!