Tanglefoot Cloggers


Time & Location


Mary Dart





Double Toe Times



Mary Dart first saw clogging at the National Square Dance Convention in Seattle, Washington in 1981. Being that she tap danced as a child and loved it, she knew she had to learn to clog. So in September she took beginner lessons with Valerie MacKay. She danced with the Mountain cloggers of Tacoma and on the Exhibition team for 5 years. Then danced with the Country Cloggers of Tacoma and Anne Mills Exhibition team. They performed at the National Square Dance Convention in Anaheim, California and at Disneyland in 1988. Mary has been dancing since 1982 and teaching since 1989. She is the Instructor/Cuer for the Tanglefoot Cloggers in Olympia, Washington on Monday nights. She has taught at the Canadian Festival in B.C. Canada and National Square Dance Convention in Portland, OR, Anaheim, CA, Denver, CO, Portland, OR. again and in Spokane, WA. She has also taught at different workshops in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. She has taught at the U.S. West Square Dance Convention in Ogden, UT. Mary is a past president of the Northwest Clogging Association and was chairman of their workshop for several years. She has served on the board for NWCA for several years and always willing to help out in one way or another. In 2001 she was honored by receiving the Valerie MacKay Memorial Award. What a surprise and honor to receive this. She is currently Vice President and Historian for Northwest Clogging Association.


About Tanglefoot Cloggers of Washington...

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